Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a type of counselling that can assist you in coping with difficulties by modifying your thought processes and behaviour. Its fundamental premise is that thoughts, emotions, physical sensations, and actions are all connected and that negative thoughts and feelings can cause a destructive cycle that traps you. CBT endeavours to assist you in breaking down complex problems into manageable pieces, modifying negative patterns, and boosting positive feelings.
CBT concentrates solely on current concerns and offers practical solutions rather than revisiting the past. It is a versatile form of therapy that can be useful in treating several mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety disorders, OCD, panic disorder, PTSD, phobias, addiction-related issues, sleep problems, chronic pain, and chronic fatigue syndrome. During a session, your therapist will help you break down your problems into thoughts, physical feelings, behaviours, and emotions, and then guide you in making changes to improve your situation. You will need to attend sessions every one to two weeks, with each session lasting around 50 minutes. In addition to being highly structured, CBT uses worksheets, relaxation techniques, and apps to make it easier to practice and apply the strategies learned in everyday life.
While CBT can be as effective as medication for some mental health problems, it is not suitable for everyone. Some advantages of CBT include its relative brevity compared to other talking therapies, its practicality, and its ability to empower you with useful coping strategies that can be used even after the therapy has ended. Additionally, it may feel more comfortable for those who struggle to talk freely in one-to-one situations. However, there are some disadvantages to consider, such as the need for commitment and practice at home, discomfort associated with confronting emotions and anxieties, and the fact that CBT focuses on the individual and current issues rather than underlying causes. CBT may also not be appropriate for those with complex mental health needs or learning difficulties.