Relationship Therapy
At Mind Sense Therapy, it is recognised that life together can be difficult for many couples. Affairs, dealing with children’s problems, Anger, extended families, unemployment, menopause, sexual issues, life changes and health problems can all have a challenging effect on relationships. Relationship counselling can provide a confidential space where partners can come to talk about their problems without fear of judgement or embarrassment.
Quite often couples will also attend before settling down to understand each other better, offering the chance to build a stronger foundation for the future. It is quite normal for one partner to worry that the counsellor’ will take sides with the other partner and may be reluctant to come to therapy. Counsellors aren’t there to judge but to help each person express their feelings and to understand the other’s point of view in a respectful and accepting way so that a dialogue can be opened up and help you move through areas where you feel stuck or there has been a block. It is not a miracle cure, and while many couples re-engage in a happier relationship, some may part, as a result, realise that they can’t live together happily. Whatever the outcome knowing that you have tried to address your problems can be reassuring whatever the outcome.